03 June 2012


"I am going to...."  / "Voy a ...

I am going to wath TV /Voy a ver la televión

 I' m going to study English
I am not going to study English? 
Are you going to study English? 
Going To Boy
Isabel Site 

Utilizamos esta expresión "going to+verbo en infinitivo" para referirnos a algo que haremos en un futuro inmediato y planificado. "Voy a +verbo en infinitivo"

Para un futuro más lejano y no planificado usamos el tiempo futuro "Yo iré..." "I will go.."


Afirmativa: Sujeto + am/are/is + "going to"+.

 She is going to read a book. 
They are going to play football.
I am going to study French.

Preguntas: Am/are/is + sujeto + "going to"+?
Is she going to read a book?
Are they going to play football?
Are you going to study French?

Estructura negación: Sujeto + am/are/is + not+ "going to"+

She is not going to read a book.
They are not going to play football.
I am  not going to study French.