3 December 2011
Breaking Down the Barriers
International Day of Persons with Disabilities, 3 December 2011. Theme for 2011:
“Together for a better world for all: Including persons with disabilities in development”
International Day of Persons with Disabilities (December 3) is an international observance promoted by the United Nations since 1992.The International Day for Persons with Disabilities was declared by the United Nations to raise awareness about disability rights and to make society conscious of the fact that people with disabilities are an integral part of our society.
“The only disability in life is a bad attitude”.
Scott Hamilton
Scott Hamilton
Today we have organized one-day workshops for the whole school related to disability. The main objetives was our students become more conscious and offer them information about people with disabilities. We have focused this year on persons with mobility and visual disability.
"The more conscious you are, the easier it is to empathize with others"
THE National Organisation for the Blind in Spain (ONCE) has collaborated with us in this activity . ONCE's director in Malaga, Cristóbal Martnez, father of a pupil visited us and answered children`s questions about visual difficulties, he brought his seeing-eye dog, also Susana and her guide dog was with us at school telling interesting things to our students.
Thank you to the ONCE, Cristobal, Susana, mothers of AMPA, for all your help! AND MANY THANKS TO CARMEN, teacher of Special Education Needs in our school, who organized this edcuational activity in Human Values.
We had together workshops to hihglight this day in our school.
Para resaltar el día hemos celebrado talleres con todo el alumnado, además de una exposición con distintos materiales utilizados por las personas ciegas o con problemas visuales, los cuales fueron prestados por la ONCE y el visionado de un video sobre el tema, el alumnado participó en un taller realizado en el patio del colegio, en el que los niños y niñas se pusieron en lugar de personas con problemas de movilidad y de visión usando sillas de ruedas, muletas y otros objetos que ayudan a las personas con esta discapacidad, los cuales fueron prestados por el centro de salud "Puerta Blanca"
Visitaron las aulas el director de la ONCE en Málaga, Cristóbal Martínez, padre de un alumno y otras dos personas de esta organización, quienes respondieron a las preguntas y curiosidades de los alumnos referidas a su discapacidad y sobre todo las que tenían que ver con el comportamiento de los perros guías que les acompañaban. Agradecemos la colaboración que ha hecho posible esta actividad: a la ONCE, a las madres de AMPA, al centro de salud Puerta Blanca y especialmente a Carmen, profesora de nuestro colegio que ha organizado la actividad, por su valiosa ayuda.
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Día de la discapacidad 3-12-2011 |