29 November 2012

Human Rights Day - 10 December 2012

A day for people worldwide to know and consider the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

About human rights:

"Inclusion and the right to participate in public life"

 "The Future We Want: A Better World Through Human Rights"

28 November 2012

It's 200 years since the Spanish Constitution was born in Cadiz. It is also known as "La Pepa" and established the principles of universal suffrage, national sovereignty and freedom of the press.

International Day of People with Disability

International Day of People with Disability (December 3) is  promoted by the United Nations since 1992. It was originally called "International Day of Disabled Persons". Each year the day focuses on a different issue. This year the theme is:

 "Removing barriers to create an inclusive and accessible society for all"

27 November 2012

09 November 2012