18 February 2011

The Farm Animals

A story of animal sounds.

(Para los más pequeños)

by Rolando Merino


Banana, Grapes and Orange knew what they want to be, but Apple couldn`t decide...

Read this story by by Richard Swan

17 February 2011

Learn English on line

Many exercises to learn English online: grammar, vocabulary, listening, etc.

"Muchos ejercicios para practicar tu inglés"

Exercises on line

Recursos para la pizarra digital interactiva

Recursos para primaria INGLÉS para PDI

13 February 2011

Activities and game on line

Irregular Verb Dictionary

En este enlace te dejo un diccionario de verbos irregulares para que puedas consultarlo.

Irregular Verb Dictionary

Past Simple of "TO BE"

Revisamos el pasado del verbo "To be"

*Past Simple of To Be-1

*Past Simple of To Be-2

Past Simple

Si quieres saber cómo se forma y cuándo se usa el Past Simple, haz click en el "Past Simple boy".

Valentine`s Day

Valentine's Day falls is celebrated on February 14 every year.

Red and pink hearts are used for decoration.

Children make or buy cards to give to their friends.

Adults often gave cards to the people they love.

Friends may give gifts of candy, chocolate, flowers, or presents.

The cards given on Valentine's Day are called "Valentines." “Valentines” often have poems written on them.

One popular poem is:

Roses are red;

Violets are blue;

Sugar is sweet,

And so are you.

Valentine's Day is a good day to tell someone: "I'm glad you're my friend," or "love you."

Click here for:

Activities, Crafts and Cards for Valentine's Day

Now write a poem entitled: "Love is ......."